Thursday, October 18, 2012

No more hiding...

"Closets are for Clothes"

by: izJeremy

I've always looked up to people who knows how to "fiercely" handle negativity. And I think you know what I'm saying -people who have been through so much of everything yet, they always manage to win every moment of it. People who fearlessly came out out their cocoons and decided to spread those powdery wings and fly without looking back and hear whatever the world has to say.

But not everyone is lucky enough to have a smooth-sailing lives when it comes to telling the world who they really are and what they really feel. Its like when you have a friend who hides in the shadows of someone they're not. You know that they need your help, but its not as easy as telling them to come out without knowing the reason why they're holding their back.

During my "1+1" days, I never thought that I would end up spreading my gay wings until I've reached my high-school. And I think some of us as well. I remembered during the late 90's, where most parents especially in the Philippines used to treat this thing as an illness. A disease they think that could be treated by beating and humiliating its patients. It's the main reason I guess that made most fellas hold their back from coming out and experience real freedom. Good thing that nowadays, where parents together with the whole planet Earth are more exposed to Lady GaGa, ANTM and skinny jeans, they slowly realized that there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Successful stories of LBGT people including celebrities and other public figures played a part of this "liberation".

So I say... Tara! No more hiding. Get your cute little butt out there and stand up for what you really feel. The road could get a little rough as you go through it. But just keep in mind that its your own happiness that you are creating. Its better than just staying inside the four corners of that closet you're currently in. Remember that "closets are for clothes".

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